Board of Directors
The Board
The LJTC Board of Directors is responsible for running the tennis club as a 501(c)4 non-profit service to the membership and the community of San Diego. The BOD consists of nine (9) members. Members shall annually elect new directors for three (3) year terms replacing those directors whose terms have expired or who have resigned or been removed. The BOD usually meets on the second Tuesday of every other month at 6 PM on the lawn in front of the Pro Shop unless other wise noted. The annual meeting of the Club’s general membership shall be held on the second Tuesday of January each year at 6:00 pm. Every board meeting held during the year is open to members. Members should submit a written request to be added to the agenda if they have special concerns. The minutes of all meetings are approved at the following meeting.
Get Involved
The club has several standing and Ad Hoc committes from time to time. Members interested in volunteering on any of the committess should contact the committie chair. Click on the link below for a complete list of committes and chairs.
Join The Board
Every November Any member in good standing may nominate him or herself by presenting a petition containing the signatures of ten (10) additional members in good standing to the nominating committee. To qualify for election to the BOD of the Club, a nominee must have been a member in good standing for at least one year, with dues paid in full. Neither the Club Manager, his/her family, nor his/her employees are eligible for election to the Board, or to office in the Club. Neither employees of the club nor members of their family, independent contractors, or members of their families, are eligible for election to the BOD, or to office in the club. All members interested in serving on or understanding the work of the BOD are invited to consult the LJTC bylaws available below or to talk to any current or past Board member.  All candidates will submit a 200 word statement that will be sent to the general membership with the voting instructions. Board terms are three years unless filling a vacant seat mid-term. If the number of qualified candidates is equal to the number of openings on the board, there will not be an election. Instead the candidates will be added to the board at the January meeting. To decide which candidates will have three or fewer years before they are up for re-election the rule is the following: Any present board member will have their normal three-year renewal. If more than one candidate is remaining, a random draw will decide who gets the longer term.
Election Process
The Nominating Committee will present a slate of candidates to be voted on by all members in good standing. Voting is done by an independent online service. Each member has a unique "Voter ID" and "Voter Key" and can only vote once. All members receive an email mid Novemeber with their unique voting code and candidate statements. Voting will end on December 1. Results are automatically tabulated and emailed immediately at the end of the voting period. If the number of qualified candidates is equal to the number of openings on the board, there will not be an election. Instead, the candidates will be added to the Board at the January meeting. To decide which candidates will have three or fewer years before they are up for re-election the rule is the following: Any present board member will have their normal three-year renewal. If more than one candidate is remaining, a random draw will decide who gets the longer term.
President: Terri Bourne
Vice President: C.J. Allison
Treasurer: Neda Mesri
Secretary: Nicholas Grant
Directors: Ralph Temple, Charlie Hein, Christiana Thieler, Billy Shaw, & Au-Co Mai
Board Email: LJTCBoard@gmail.com