About Us
Located in the heart of the Village of La Jolla, the La Jolla Tennis Club is a 501 (c)4 non-profit that has served this community since it was chartered in 1923.
LJTC maintains nine city-owned courts as a public facility. Five of the nine courts are equipped with lights. The LJTC, while on city land, maintains the facilities and is responsible for the capital improvements.
LJTC serves more than 550 members annually in addition to guests and non-members. It delivers opportunities for playing social & competitive local leagues, competing in USTA tennis, and improving skills through clinics & private lessons.
LJTC boasts a thriving juniors tennis program, offering opportunities for youth to experience the sport through clinics, camps and private lessons.
LJTC hosts a free two week summer clinic for juniors ages 6 to 12 who might not otherwise find access to instruction.
The LJTC hosts the Annual La Jolla Tennis Championships which routinely attracts over 1,000 top players from surrounding areas. The LJTC has hosted the La Jolla Championships every year since 1917, which gives this tournament the distinction of being the longest running tennis tournament continually held at the same venue in the world.
History Of The Club
Historical Timeline of Court Development at LJTC
by Bob Killion, Historian
1915: Courts 3, 4, & 5 donated by Helen Browning Scripps with lights on wood poles
1927 – 28: Court 1 built by City of San Diego
1938: Land on East side of Draper Street purchased by LJTC from Bishop’s School for $1000 & donated to S. D. City
1949: Courts 7 & 8 built by City of San Diego
1957 – 58: Court 2 built with funds donated by Las Patronas
1964: Court 6 built with matching funds from LJTC
1966: Court 9 built with matching funds from LJTC.